Surprising Facts About Kissing What do you think when you hear the word kiss. Did you know, a lot of things that happen when somebody is kissing. Started from feelings of happiness, increased desire to live, and even boost immunity, but of course there are things that are not good also occur there. This is some explanation about kissing. surprising facts about kissing. Photo Source From FunMozar Keep Man Faithful You may ask, is this true? in fact we see that most men do kiss is the first step towards sex, but psychotherapist Arthur Janov, Ph.D., author of "The Biology of Love" and the director of the Primal Center in Santa Monica, Calif. "He said that we had found something good. Men who can not commit to a relationship of love is the low man in oxytocin. Oxytocin is the hormone of love, the better this hormone the better to love. when men get a kiss, their body produces the hormone oxytocin. Give a kiss to the man you care to save them.